Saturday, 20 August 2011

First Post. Please be Kind :)

Hello, Bojour, Salute, Hola and all that Jazz :).

Well, for my first blog, let me explain myself. .....(It seems appropriate, don't ya think?)

Well, I was bullied and tortued into this by my BFF Storm (She is pretty awesome, follow her blog:, its a swell ol time :D ). Well not really tortured, more like introduced and then encouraged to.

If you have seen on my side bar, "About Me" thing, you would have noticed my: "Irrational fear of 'The Muppets' and 'Sesame Street' ", and you are probably thinking "What the ****, how can someone be scared of them, they are so cute and aborable".....No, they really aren't. When I was little, I always had nightmares about Big Bird comming and eating my head whilst I was sleeping! Hence my insomnia and general hatred of sleep. I really love night-time though, I am just full of contradictions. I hate 'The Muppets' too, because of Miss Piggy...She just freaks me out because her boobs like take up her whole torso! Who does she think she is? Lolo Ferrari??

Anyways, I love the 1930's-1960's. I wish when I grow up I could invent a time machine so I could go back in time and live in Paris in the time when Coco Chanel pretty much ruled the city. I just want life to be like a Black and White film (I seriously do with I could only see in Black and White. It makes everything seem so much more chic). I also love Edith Piaf (In my spare time I practise rolling my "R's" like she does when she sings "Non, je ne Regrette Rien", and I have finally nailed it!!), Juliette Greco, Claude Debussy, Jacques Brel and Leo Ferre. If only they could come back and we could offer Justin Bieber and The Jonas Brothers.

Well, thats just a basic summary of what I can think of right now. We'll talk soon :).
Bisous Bisous
"La vida, no se mide en minutos, se mide en momentos"

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