Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Salute mon/ma petit Ananas :D
(Hello my little pineapples (Pineapples are my favourite fruit, so since I called you that, It means you fine lady, lady-men and men are my favourite things since you read my little blogity blog :D)(It makes sense in my head :P)).
Okay, so I wrote my last High-School exam yesterday. It was pretty easy, I knew what was going on and stuff so thats always a good sign. School is finally over!!!!! 12 years of absolute shit is over and I can't believe it. It doesn't really seem real now, I think when I wake up next year and people start updating their Facebook statuses about how much they don't want to go to school and I wake up and don't go to school, then it will seem real :).
Well, I absolutely hated school. All 5 of them that I went to.
I wish School was a good experience, especially my Matric year. I wish it could have ended off in a good way, instead of the way it did but you can't always get what you wish for :).
When I am living in my huge townhouse in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, surrounded by beautiful things, a Wardrobe full of Lanvin and my beautiful Children, I will think about all the pathetic people I left behind and just laugh. And then pack my Louis Vuitton Trunk, come back to South Africa and give them a bad tip after those said people serve me as I get my Take-Aways from McDonalds. Maybe not McDonalds, I don't like any fast food actually. Maybe at like some restaurant that I can't think of right now.
And, how did I celebrate the end of 12 years of school??
By having to go to hospital and getting something removed from my Kidney that they had to put in when I had to get my Kidney stone removed. ...Get right?? It was made even better by the **** annoying people in my ward. The anaesthetic felt pretty good though hahaha, but never kid around with that stuff. Thats what killed Michael Jackson.
Well, I will tell you what my plans for next year are when I figure them out, and stuff.
I need to finish now. Extreme Couponing is on, and I need to do Fashion Friday now ( It will be up late tonight/day wherever you are in the world :).
hdaovnlasbndvlb`silchlihvlb`h svuigwiu
Thursday, 24 November 2011
"When a pony does a good deed, and he gets a horn and becomes a Unicorn, and he poops out cotton candy until he forgets he's magical and his horn falls off. ...And black Unicorns become Zebra's"
The point is:
A Unicorn is someone who knows they're magical and isn't afraid to show it.
(Text from Britney: Glee Season 3 Episode 2)
(Picture, Stolen from Anna's Twitter account :P)
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Few more Pics from my Birthday :)
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I love you so much Litsy :)<3 |
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Me and Ashleigh Crashly (My sister who never makes me Pasta :( ) |
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Black Tuesday
"Press freedom will never be under threat as long as ANC is majority party."
Madiba Nov19 1997
Funny how things change. ...
The day the ANC spat in the face of Democracy and freedom
"What will you tell your Grandchildren?
You fought for freedom and then voted against it."
"Press freedom will never be under threat as long as ANC is majority party."
Madiba Nov19 1997
Funny how things change. ...
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Paris Je T'aime: Tour Eiffel (Sylvain Chomet)
The Absolute Cutest
Peace and Love Forever
Friday, 18 November 2011
When I get older, I want to be rich and naked
No, for all you perverted people who are thinking of me naked right now, I don't mean naked as in not wearing clothes (I personally love wearing clothes).
By "naked", I metaphorically mean, I want to be bare, out there for everyone to see and feel comfortable enough in my own skin and not feel like I should have to explain myself for everything I do and the decisions I make.
The past year has been really difficult for me, and whilst I have gotten to be a lot more comfortable in my own skin, people have started to notice me more but I don't feel like it is for the right reasons. People now just notice me for what I wear and whilst I think it is good, they just don't see it the same way. Whether it is actually because what I wear looks completely hideous or they are just not as appreciative to see someone dressed well I have yet to figure out.
Speaking of the say that people dress. ...
Tonight I was out for dinner with my parents, and at the table across from me was a family of 3.
The father was dressed in a white shirt, buttoned down to halfway down his chest, with shorts and the son was wearing a vest.
Really? Is that really the way to dress when you go to a nice restaurant?
I really wish people would at least take some time and think about what they wear sometimes.
I wish people made more effort when it comes to fashion and the way you present yourself to people and the way you dress when you go out.
It would make the world a much more attractive place.
I don't have much else to say tonight. Sorry to disappoint.
I'll come up with something more creative
Tomorrow, when there are bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover and when the World is Free
(Took that from "White Cliffs of Dover" by Vera Lynn.
I was so born in the wrong century.)
oooooooooh, and remember to check out Fashion Friday today!
Today is Yohji Yamamoto, its a good'un, Checkit :)
And, totally and not totally breaking from subject, Nicki Minaj says check it out too (get it, the name of the song is: "Check it out", hahaha what a humorous fellow I am (You are so totally rolling your eyes right now. ...I am too. ...)
Well, it isn't totally unrelated, the Music Video is like Japanese themed and Yohji Yamamoto is Japenese too. ...Method in 'me madness I'ld say.
(And Nicki Minaj is my new crush too :P)
Thursday, 17 November 2011
I don't really like Rap, but this is pretty awesome.
(Sorry again for the lack of posts this week, but it's my biggest one soon
so I have had a lot of work to do :( )
Remember Fashion Friday in the morrow and I'll scribble some random pondering from my mind tomorrow too :).
Gros Bisous
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
For Barbara :)
This one is for my New York Sister Barbara.
I miss you soooooo much :(.
(Even though I am talking to you on BBM right now)
Soon we will be strolling along with 5th Avenue in our Burberry Trench Coats
and Sneacking into Fashion's Night Out with Anna Wintour ;).
Much Love
Just a 'lil Louis
Monday, 14 November 2011
"Only Boring People Get Bored"
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Some Photo's from My B-Dizzle (Birthday)
Félicitations à Moi :D
Today on the 13th November 2011, I officially turned 18 :).
It doesn't really seem real.
I don't know, over the years it just seems that Birthdays have lost their excitement from the one ones in the beginning of my life, the same is going for Christmas. Maybe it is just a part of growing up?
Well, I spent the night having dinner with 10 of my closets friends and then we went to a club afterwards. I had such an amazing night, with the best friends a person could ever want :)<3.
I love my friends soooooo much.
The past year has been extremely difficult for me, between eating problems, stress, being bullied and a whole bunch of other stuff, their support for me has always stood firm, and I will always be indebted to them <3.
I think in modern times, especially in a Country like South Africa, where Alcohol is pretty easily available and in Durban, most clubs and Bars aren't that strict with checking I.D, so not being 18 doesn't really stop you from going out and partying.
Being 18 in some ways takes away from the adventure of going to a club because that sense of risk you take when the Bouncer asks to see your I.D and you have to create a whole other identity on the spot is taken away. (I always pretended to be a Colombian, just saying :P).
It feels like this year has gone by extremely fast. This time last year, I was preparing to go to France on an exchange programme. It seems strange that it is nearly one year since I met my friends from there (I will be doing a special tribute to them on the 3rd of December, so someone please remind me :P). I mean, at this rate, (and if Einsteins theory of relativity plays any part), buy this time tomorrow I will be 52 and will be on Doctor 90210, planning my first facelift!
Thank you to everyone who has made me live these past 18 years.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Call me anything but don't call me Normal.
People often ask me, why I dress the way I do.
(I will upload pictures soon of what I wear).
I don't wear what the typical "Durban Boy", or frankly what most normal guys my age wear.
And why may this be? ...
Due to its generally all-year-around hot Climate, Durban guys usually wear Flip-Flops, Baggies, Vests, T-Shirts, all that that "Beach", sort of clothing.
I hate the heat, the beach really isn't for me and I will never ever ever ever ever wear a vest.
So, frankly, why would I wear something I hate?
The answer is simple, I dress the way I would like to see other people dressed.
Hence, why I always get stared at when I go to the mall. I don't dress like anyone else I know.
Whether that is good or bad, well I don't really care :). I am happy in my High waisted pants and coloured skinny jeans, and stare all you want :).
I don't understand why there is still divisions in what Men and Women wear, or in any reason for that matter.
For example: Why are there separate mens and women's bathrooms?
and: Why can't men wear dresses??
Men in Japan have been wearing Kimono's for Centuries, and Men in Scotland still wear Kilts.
Men in Medievel Europe wore tights and tops that come down to the knee, that could be considered being "Dress-Like", so why won't men now, and if Women have been wearing Pants since World War II, then what is the big deal with men in Dresses or Skirts?? I read in a Magazine recently that Marc Jacobs wears a pencil-skirt every now and then. What an awesome fellow.
I recently purchased a pair of High-Waisted pants. Nowadays I only ever see girls wearing them, but most girls don't pull them off properly. For a girl to wear high-wasited pants, she needs to have absolutely no curves what-so-ever, a tiny waist and really long legs, otherwise the high waist accentuates the waist and makes you look bigger, which is exactly what you don't want.
Hence, why they suit men. Men don't have curves and, whenever I have seen men wearing them in Vintage movies, they always look impeccable and very well tailored wearing them. (High waisted pants were popular for most of the 20th Century), but why won't men wear them now??
It boggles my mind, it really does. ...
I could carry this on for ages and ages, but I have had an exhausting week and I am a Sleepyhead :).
Hugs, Love and Other Drugs :)
(I will upload pictures soon of what I wear).
I don't wear what the typical "Durban Boy", or frankly what most normal guys my age wear.
And why may this be? ...
Due to its generally all-year-around hot Climate, Durban guys usually wear Flip-Flops, Baggies, Vests, T-Shirts, all that that "Beach", sort of clothing.
I hate the heat, the beach really isn't for me and I will never ever ever ever ever wear a vest.
So, frankly, why would I wear something I hate?
The answer is simple, I dress the way I would like to see other people dressed.
Hence, why I always get stared at when I go to the mall. I don't dress like anyone else I know.
Whether that is good or bad, well I don't really care :). I am happy in my High waisted pants and coloured skinny jeans, and stare all you want :).
I don't understand why there is still divisions in what Men and Women wear, or in any reason for that matter.
For example: Why are there separate mens and women's bathrooms?
and: Why can't men wear dresses??
Men in Japan have been wearing Kimono's for Centuries, and Men in Scotland still wear Kilts.
Men in Medievel Europe wore tights and tops that come down to the knee, that could be considered being "Dress-Like", so why won't men now, and if Women have been wearing Pants since World War II, then what is the big deal with men in Dresses or Skirts?? I read in a Magazine recently that Marc Jacobs wears a pencil-skirt every now and then. What an awesome fellow.
I recently purchased a pair of High-Waisted pants. Nowadays I only ever see girls wearing them, but most girls don't pull them off properly. For a girl to wear high-wasited pants, she needs to have absolutely no curves what-so-ever, a tiny waist and really long legs, otherwise the high waist accentuates the waist and makes you look bigger, which is exactly what you don't want.
Hence, why they suit men. Men don't have curves and, whenever I have seen men wearing them in Vintage movies, they always look impeccable and very well tailored wearing them. (High waisted pants were popular for most of the 20th Century), but why won't men wear them now??
It boggles my mind, it really does. ...
I could carry this on for ages and ages, but I have had an exhausting week and I am a Sleepyhead :).
Hugs, Love and Other Drugs :)
Hello, Salut, Hola, etc etc etc etc etc.
I'm really sorry I have been absent this week :(.
I have been writing my final matric exams, and I had 3 this week all in a row, and between studying I was sleeping. Don't know why, but I have been so exhausted this week. Maybe its because I am trying to take coffee out my diet, which didn't really work well because I just had like 3 cups hahaha.
Okay, anyway.
Besides writing exams, my week has been terrible. ...
Firstly, ZARA opened in Johannesburg this week, and another store is set to open in Durban sometime in the next week. So, why is this a problem for someone who loves ZARA?
Well, since ZARA is now in South Africa, I have to find another brand that is just as amazing that no-one else here can get!!!!
And, I know who that Brand will be :).
It is "The Kooples"(, and it is even better because they don't deliver outside of Europe :D. Their clothes are so absolutely amazing, oh and they just happen to be this weeks "Fashion Friday, so check it out, it will be up later :). (
AND secondly, next year when I am finished school I am hopefully going to London, and I am hopefully going for an interview for "Schön" magazine (, and hopefully I can get an internship, and last night they had a party and of course I couldn't go :(.
Now, I am watching CNN and like coughing up a Lung, bet you had my life right now? :P.
It isn't all bad though, on Sunday it is my 18th Birthday, and some friends are coming over for dinner and then going to a party afterwards :).
Oh, big ups to everyone from Russia that have seen my Blog this week! Loads of you look this week, even passing South Africa! But also, Thank you to everyone that has been looking at my blog and is interested in this all, whatever it is hahaha. You guys make me feel like I am living instead of just surviving :).
So, here is a cover by an amazing girl of one of my favourite songs. (Big ups to my friend Alicja for finding this!)
I hope you had an amazing week and have an amazing weekend!!!!!
I'm really sorry I have been absent this week :(.
I have been writing my final matric exams, and I had 3 this week all in a row, and between studying I was sleeping. Don't know why, but I have been so exhausted this week. Maybe its because I am trying to take coffee out my diet, which didn't really work well because I just had like 3 cups hahaha.
Okay, anyway.
Besides writing exams, my week has been terrible. ...
Firstly, ZARA opened in Johannesburg this week, and another store is set to open in Durban sometime in the next week. So, why is this a problem for someone who loves ZARA?
Well, since ZARA is now in South Africa, I have to find another brand that is just as amazing that no-one else here can get!!!!
And, I know who that Brand will be :).
It is "The Kooples"(, and it is even better because they don't deliver outside of Europe :D. Their clothes are so absolutely amazing, oh and they just happen to be this weeks "Fashion Friday, so check it out, it will be up later :). (
AND secondly, next year when I am finished school I am hopefully going to London, and I am hopefully going for an interview for "Schön" magazine (, and hopefully I can get an internship, and last night they had a party and of course I couldn't go :(.
Now, I am watching CNN and like coughing up a Lung, bet you had my life right now? :P.
It isn't all bad though, on Sunday it is my 18th Birthday, and some friends are coming over for dinner and then going to a party afterwards :).
Oh, big ups to everyone from Russia that have seen my Blog this week! Loads of you look this week, even passing South Africa! But also, Thank you to everyone that has been looking at my blog and is interested in this all, whatever it is hahaha. You guys make me feel like I am living instead of just surviving :).
So, here is a cover by an amazing girl of one of my favourite songs. (Big ups to my friend Alicja for finding this!)
I hope you had an amazing week and have an amazing weekend!!!!!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
"A women bought you into this World.
You have no right to Disrespect them."
Friday, 4 November 2011
"I want to make clothing that will make people question their sexuality"
-Watch this space-
I am so incredibly thankful
for all the amazing people I have in my life.
I love you all immensely.
Caro Emerald - That Man
This makes me want to run away to 1940's Chicago or some other big American city :)
1940's Style, Fashion, Culture, Music :)
Me and My High waisted pants and Brogues will be there soon.
(Just need to figure out the secrets to time travel though)
Owl Eyes - Pumped up Kicks Cover
Toya Delazy - Pump it On
The view of Central Park from the Tiffany & Co's flagship store on 5th avenue.
How absolutely amazing.
Lets go and eat breakfast there Litsy??
(@tiffanyandco - Twitter)
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
John Galliano Fall - Winter: 2011/2012
I must say, despite his personal life and issues: This man really knows how to design clothes to make it entertaining.
I think I love the music in this runway show, more then the actual collection :P
Sometimes awful things have their own kind of beauty.
It's better to be a Pirate, than to join the Navy
-Steve Jobs
Ex Libris en Kimono
Ex Libris, the famous Hermès symbol is magnified through a silk patchwork as on the back of a kimono which conveys many messages. The patterns are governed by several themes as floral one, expressing age and social status. It’s been established in collaboration with Matsuzakaya, Kimono’s designer since 1611.
Last Friday Night
Okay, so it wasn't really last Friday night, it was actually last night but "Last Tuesday Night" was never the name of a hit Billboard Top 100 Song or the name of a song by Katy Perry, so last friday night it is.
So, last Friday (Tuesday, as in yesterday) I spend my night in hospital, with needles sticking into me, in unimaginable pain with a Kidney stone, or "The Male Version of being in Labour".
The day before my Final Afrikaans exam paper. ...
Now I have to wait until about (Plus, minus) February or March.
My European takeover plan will have to take a backseat until then.
I'm sad :(
So, last Friday (Tuesday, as in yesterday) I spend my night in hospital, with needles sticking into me, in unimaginable pain with a Kidney stone, or "The Male Version of being in Labour".
The day before my Final Afrikaans exam paper. ...
Now I have to wait until about (Plus, minus) February or March.
My European takeover plan will have to take a backseat until then.
I'm sad :(
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